101 Best Written TV Series

Aired: NBC, 1982-1989

In 1986, The Washington Post reported that at a White House ceremony honoring 141 high school students selected as presidential scholars for achievement in academics, the arts and leadership, President Reagan called Family Ties his favorite TV show, pointing to how "the wider culture is once again beginning to respect, even to celebrate, family life." Evidently, the President hardly minded that the main butt of the show's jokes was a buttoned-down young Republican. Alex P. Keaton was something of a Frankenstein monster at once a likeable young man, a know-it-all, and a lobbyist for Big Business (star Michael J. Fox was good enough to endear us to all three parts of the character). That his parents were ex-hippie peaceniks whose nostalgia for the free-loving '60s was also gently mocked is now proof that back in the '80s, at least on this classic sitcom, partisanship wasn't a zero-sum game.

Credited Writers

Wendy Aron
Lisa Bannick
Ruth Bennett
Susan Borowitz
Kate Boutilier
Jean Kraynak Brincko
Robert Caplain
Ben Cardinale
Stephen J. Curwick
Bruce David
Dianne Dixon
Katie Ford
Lloyd Garver
Shannon Gaughan
Gary David Goldberg
Barbara Hall
Bruce Helford
Kimberly Hill
David Tyron King
Marc D. Lawrence
Lissa Levin
Lawrence H. Levy
Matthew Monaster
Robert Okun
Joanne Pagliaro
Burt Prelutsky
Richard Raskind
Richard Reinhart
Jace Richdale
Michael Russnow
Charles J. Schlotter
Peter Schneider
Alan Uger
Trish Vradenburg
Michael J. Weithorn
Paul Wolff
Jurgen Wolff
Douglas Wyman